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Conference Administration


25) August 2017: 2017 Canada-China water science workshop Chair: Fisheries and Natural Resources, University of Windsor.

24) August 2016: 2nd Sino-Canada workshop on Plateau Lakes research, Kunming, China. Chair: Sustainable Environmental Management.

23) August 2016: Society of International Limnology, Turin, Italy. Co-chair of sessions on Impact of Global Change on Inland Waters.

22) February 2015: Annual Meeting of Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO), Granada, Spain. Co-chair of four sessions on: Frontiers in Invasion Ecology Research: Theoretical Frameworks, Methods and Applications.

21) February 2015: Chair: ‘East meets West: Trans-Atlantic aquatic invasions of North America and Europe’ workshop, held in conjunction with 2015 Annual Meeting of Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO), Granada, Spain.


20) November 2013, Workshop on Wicked Problems in Invasion Ecology. Co-organized by CAISN and the Centre for Invasion Biology, Stellenbosch, South Africa. Funded by NSERC Strategic Network Enhancement Initiative grant to CAISN.

19) October 2013: International Congress on Biological Invasions 2013, Qingdao, China. Co-chair of session with Prof. A. Zhan.

18) October 2013: Japan Science and Technology – NSERC Canada Workshop on Sustainable Water Use, Tokyo, Japan. Chair of the Canadian delegation.

17) January 2013: 66th Canadian Conference for Fisheries Research – Society of Canadian Limnologists, Windsor ON.  Chair of three sessions of Aquatic Invasive Species.

16) July 2012: Association for Science in Limnology and Oceanography Annual Summer Conference, Lake Biwa, Japan. Session Chair: Zooplankton.

15) January 2012: 65th Canadian Conference for Fisheries Research – Society of Canadian Limnologists, Moncton, N.B.  Session Chair:  Invasive species. 

14) February 2011: Association for Science in Limnology and Oceanography Annual Winter Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico. Session Co-chair, Topic: Biological Invasions.

13) September 2010: International Council for Exploration of the Sea, Annual Science Conference, Nantes, France. Session Co-chair. Global change and aquatic bioinvasions.

12) September 2007: 15th International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species, Nijmegen, Netherlands. Tracking Aliens.

11) July 2004: 7th INTECOL International Wetlands Conference, Utrecht, Netherlands. Co-coordinator: Biological invasions in wetlands: problems and solutions.

10) January 2003: Canadian Society of Limnologists, Ottawa, ON. Invasive Species.

9) August 2002: Third International Symposium of Speciation in Ancient Lakes, Irkutsk, Russia. Co-coordinator: Conservation of unique ecosystems of ancient lakes.

8) June 2000: American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Copenhagen, Denmark. Co-coordinator of 4 sessions on Species Invasions.

7) May 2000. Workshop Co-coordinator: Ponto-Caspian invaders in northern and western Europe and the North American Great Lakes, Societas Internationalis Limnologiae Working Group on Exotic Species, Copenhagen, Denmark.

6) August 1998: Societas Internationalis Limnologiae, Dublin, Ireland. Session 1: Co-Chair: Advances in Dreissena Biology. Session 2: Co-Chair: Biology and Ecology of Bythotrephes.

5) June 1996: North American Benthological Society Conference, Kalispell, Montana. Advances in Dreissena Research.

4) May 1996: International Association for Great Lakes Researchers Conference, Mississauga, ON. Symposium Co-chair: The Great Lakes and its people, culture, human health, regulatory structures, and ecosystem management.

3) May 1995: International Association of Great Lakes Researchers, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. Session Chair: Lake Erie Trophic Transfer Studies.

2) June 1993: Session Chair: Effects of exotic species on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography Conference, Edmonton, Alberta.                  


1) June 1992: Co-chair, Ontario Ecology and Ethology Colloquium, University of Windsor, Windsor, ON.

University of Windsor

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