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MacIsaac Lab
in Invasion Ecology
Jinmei Zi

Academic Address:
School of Ecology, and Environmental Sciences,Yunnan University
Kunming, China
Zi J, Pan X, Macisaac H J, et al. Cyanobacteria blooms induce embryonic heart failure in an endangered fish species. Aquatic Toxicology, 2018, 194:78-85. IF=4.129
Wang L, Zi J, Xu R, et al. Allelopathic effects of Microcystis aeruginosa, on green algae and a diatom: Evidence from exudates addition and co-culturing. Harmful Algae, 2017, 61:56-62, IF=3.087
Current Project:
The effect of cyanobacteria exudates in exponential growth phase on endangered fish species
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