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  • Integrative Systems for Biological Invasions: ISIS

  • International Association for Great Lakes Research: IAGLR

  • American Society of Limnology and Oceanography: ASLO

  • Societas Internationalis Limnologiae: Limnology

  • North American Benthological Society: Benthos

  • Ecological Society of America: ESA

  • Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters: OFAH

  • Global Invasive Species Programme: GISP

  • Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Research: GLIER

  • International Lake Environment Committee: ILEC

  • Canada Centre for Inland Waters (Canadian Federal Lab): CCIW

  • CNR – Institute of Ecosystem Study (Italian Federal Lab):   Pallanza

  • Centre for Research on Introduced Marine Pests (Australian Federal Lab):  CRIMP

  • Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (USA Federal Lab; Our partner institution):  GLERL

  • Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg: RAS

  • Max Planck Institut für Limnologie: Max Planck

  • Forum of European Freshwater Research Organizations EurAqua

  • Environmental Protection Agency – Exotic Species:   EPA

  • Smithsonian Environmental Research Center SERC

  • Great Lakes Fishery Commission: GLFC

  • Baltic Research Network on Invasions and Introductions:NEMO

  • North American Lake Management Society: NALMS

  • Biological Invasions journal: BiolInv

  • Diversity and Distributions journal: D&D

  • U.S. Geological Survey: InvSpec

  • Florida Integrated Science Center: USGS

  • Swiss Federal Institute for Environmental Science and Technology: EAWAG

University of Windsor

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