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Research Grants


Research Grants Held: Total as PI: >$16,600,000; as co-PI: >$30,000,000

  • 2017: CFI-OIT Innovation Fund: Real-time aquatic ecosystem observation network (PI: A. Fisk). $12,400,000

  • 2016-2021: NSERC Discovery Grant: Mechanisms to understand the basis of species invasiveness, $60,000/yr

  • 2016: CFI (+OIT) John R. Evans Fund: Facility for advancing Great Lakes science, (PI; with D. Haffner, C. Semeniuk). $500,000

  • 2015: NSERC Strategic Network (CAISN II) Enhancement: Arctic Knowledge Transfer Workshop, $91,250

  • 2014-2021: Canada Research Chair in Aquatic Invasive Species, Tier 1, $200,000/yr

  • 2014: NSERC CAISN II Strategic Network, $200,000

  • 2014: NSERC Strategic Network (CAISN II) Enhancement, $72,500

  • 2013-2016: Athabasca Water Research Program: An integrated interdisciplinary approach to understanding the watershed. $945,000 (PI: W.Shotyk and 7 others; share is $50,000 total).

  • 2013: NSERC Strategic Network (CAISN II) Enhancement, $81,500

  • 2013: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Short Term Mobility Program, Pallanza, Italy. €3,000.

  • 2013: Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Mapping distribution of invasive macrophytes in the Great Lakes. $5,000

  • 2013: Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Next Generation sequencing detection of alien species in the Great Lakes, $5,000 (H.J. MacIsaac, E. Brown, M. Cristescu). 

  • 2013: Environmental stressors in the Great Lakes: Assessment, function, and remediation. Canadian Foundation for Innovation. (PI: D.D. Heath, Co-PIs: M.Cristescu, K.Drouillard, A.Fisk, B.Fryer, G.Haffner, J.Lalman, O.Love, H.MacIsaac, T.Pitcher). $6,726,259.

  • 2012: Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Surveillance of Aquatic Invasive Species in the Great Lakes, $20,000

  • 2012: NSERC Strategic Network (CAISN II) Enhancement, $32,000

  • 2012: Research truck. NSERC RTI. P.I. with Co-PIs A. Fisk, D. Haffner, K. Drouillard, M. Cristescu. $29,600.

  • 2011-2015: NSERC Canadian Aquatic Invasive Species Network II. (PI, with 29 others) $7,145,500

  • 2010-2015: Models to predict colonization, spread and evolution of invasive species. NSERC Discovery Grant, $61,000/yr

  • 2010-2013: Models to predict colonization, spread and evolution of invasive species. NSERC Discovery Accelerator Supplement, $40,000/yr

  • 2010-2015: Ship-mediated species invasions in the Arctic. NSERC Northern Research Supplement, $10,000-15,000/yr

  • 2011: Parallel sequencing facility for environmental, ecological and evolutionary research. CFI, (D. Heath, PI; H.J. MacIsaac and 20 others). $198,057

  • 2010: Robot for processing genetic samples, NSERC RTI Equipment, (D. Heath (PI) plus 4 others) $120,247

  • 2009: Validation and quantification system for nucleic acids and proteins. NSERC RTI Equipment, (PI: M. Cristescu, H. MacIsaac, D. Heath, C. Weisener) $43,955

  • 2009: Invasive Species Public Outreach, TD Canada Trust, Environment Fund, $25,000

  • 2008: Gradient thermal cycler, NSERC RTI. (PI: M. Cristescu; H. MacIsaac, D. Heath) $18,124

  • 2007, 2008, 2009: Invasive Species Public Outreach, Environment Canada. $45,000, $40,000, $35,000.

  • 2007: High Capacity DNA Genotyping and Analysis Facility (P.I.: D. Heath, M. Cristescu, H. MacIsaac, T. Pitcher, S. Doucet, D. Mennill), NSERC RTI Equipment. $67,124

  • 2007: Gas chromatograph with autosampler. (P.I.: A. Fisk, S. Doucet, K. Drouillard, G. Haffner, H. MacIsaac, D. Mennill. NSERC RTI Equipment. $98,500

  • 2006-2011: Biological Invasions Research, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, $30,000/yr

  • 2006-2011: Canadian Aquatic Invasive Species Network, NSERC Research Network (P.I.: H. MacIsaac + 23 others). $6,117,125

  • 2005-2010: Deterministic, stage-based model of biological invasions; NSERC Discovery. $20,000/yr.

  • 2005, 2007, 2008: Aquatic Invasive Species in the Great Lakes and inland lakes, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. $48,800, $40,000, $40,000.

  • 2005-2007: The microgenomics network: advancing knowledge of biological diversity through DNA barcodes; NSERc Research Network (P.I.: P.D.N. Hebert).

  • 2004: NSERC Equipment, Genetics Equipment, (P.I.: D. Heath, with 5 others). $80,000.

  • 2004-2006: Identifying, verifying, and establishing options for Best Management Practices for NOBOB Vessels, Great Lakes Protection Fund, (PI: Tom Johengen, with 8 Co-PIs), $761,336 (US), share = $106,525US

  • 2004: Large Lake Ecosystems: A facility to quantify and model the impact of multiple stressors, Canadian Foundation for Innovation, (PI: Brian Fryer, with 8 Co-PIs), $5,048,079.

  • 2003-2005: Biological Invasions Research, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, $100,000

  • 2003-2007 Bioeconomic assessment of species invasions, NSERC Collaborative Research Opportunities Grant, (co-P.I. with Mark Lewis),

  • 2002-2007: Bioeconomic assessment of species invasions (PI: David Lodge, with 6 co-PIs), U.S. National Science Foundation, $2,900,000US (share = $225,000US)

  • 2003 Controlled Environment Chamber Facility. NSERC Equipment Grant. $117,000 (P.I., with 3 others)

  • 2003-2005 Developing and validating vector-based models of species invasion. NSERC Discovery Grant. $15,500/year.

  • 2002-2003: Identification of testate rhizopods of possible marine origin in the Great Lakes (with K. Nicholls). U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, $10,000US

  • 2002: Economic Impacts of invasive alien species on the Canadian economy. Office of the Auditor General of Canada, $20,500.

  • 2002 Public education campaign to prevent spread of spiny waterfleas to inland lakes in Ontario, Ministry of Natural Resources, $15,000

  • 2000-2003 Studies of non-indigenous species in the Great Lakes, Premier’s Research Excellence Award. $149,500

  • 2001-2003 Assessment of transoceanic NOBOB vessels and low-salinity ballast water as vectors for nonindigenous species introductions to the Great Lakes. Great Lakes Protection Fund. $1,122,673 US. (Share=$206,000US) (T.H. Johengen, D.F. Reid, H.J. MacIsaac, G. Fahnenstiel, F. Dobbs, M. Doblin, G. Ruiz, P. Jenkins).

  • 2001-2003 Ballast residuals in NOBOB (No Ballast On Board) vessels in Chesapeake Bay: Their biological and chemical characterization and a comparison with patterns in the Great Lakes. U.S. National Sea Grant. $349,998US (Share =$113,000US.  (F. Dobbs, L. Drake, M. Doblin, T. Johengen, H. MacIsaac, and P. Jenkins).

  • 2001 Field Vehicle, NSERC Equipment grant. $27,885 (P.I., with 8 others)

  • 2001 Gas chromatography, electron-capture and flame ionization detection system for research on environmental organic contaminants and metabolites, NSERC Equipment. $45,000 (R. Letcher, P.I., with H. MacIsaac and 4 others)

  • 2001 Rotary evaporation system for environmental organic contaminant and metabolite research, NSERC Equipment. $14,191  (R. Letcher, P.I., with H. MacIsaac and 4 others)

  • 2001 University Faculty Travel Grant, Society of Conservation Biology meeting, $1,250

  • 2001-2002 Taxonomic and genetic identification of nonindigenous species in Lake Superior, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Department of Fisheries and Oceans. $30,000US plus $10,000 Can (P.I., with D. Heath).

  • 2000-2001 Tracking shipping patterns in the Great Lakes, U.S. NOAA, $100,000 US (D. Reid and H. MacIsaac)

  • 2000-2001 Investigations of species occurrence in No-Ballast-On-Board Ships in the Great Lakes, U.S. Coast Guard. $100,000 US. (D. Reid, H. MacIsaac, G. Ruiz and F. Dobbs)

  • 2000-2001 Experimental examination of ballast-borne species in Great Lakes ships, U.S. E.P.A.  $120,000 US (D. Reid, H. MacIsaac, G. Ruiz and F. Dobbs)

  • 1999, 2000 Ponto-Caspian invasion workshop, NSERC International Opportunities Fund. $17,500/yr. (P.I., with 6 others) Supplementary grants of $20,000 and $40,000 for workshop provided by U.S. E.P.A. and U.S. N.O.A.A. (PI = D. Reid)

  • 2000 In Situ Fluorometer, NSERC Equipment, $24,500.  (P.I., J. Ciborowski, D. Haffner)

  • 2000 Nutrient Autoanalyzer. NSERC Equipment, $74,000. (D. Haffner, H. MacIsaac, B. Fryer)

  • 1999-2003: Species Invasions, NSERC Research, $14,400/yr

  • 2000-2001 Species invasions in the Great Lakes: assessment of temporal patterns, Great Lakes Fishery Commission, $45,000 U.S. (E. Mills. K. Holeck, H. MacIsaac, I. Grigorovich)

  • 1995-1999 Determinants of invasion success in freshwater ecosystems. NSERC Operating, $17,500/year

  • 1999 Hydrolab, NSERC Equipment, $14,400. (H. MacIsaac, D. Haffner, J. Ciborowski)

  • 1999 Student Employment grant, Environment Canada, $10,000

  • 1998 International Development Research Centre, Research Cooperation Programme between Canada and Latin America, Faculty Travel Award,

  • 1998: Image analysis system, NSERC Equipment, $8,740. (H. MacIsaac, P. Sale, J. Ciborowski).

  • 2000, 1999, 1998: Summer Student Placement Award, $800/yr

  • 1998 Canadian Council for Human Resources in the Environment Industry, $6,000

  • 1997 Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Science and Technology with European Partners, Travel Award, $4,000

  • 1997  Science Horizons, Environment Canada, $12,500

  • 1996-1997 Toxicity, ecological impacts, monitoring, causes, and public awareness of Microcystis in Lake Erie. Lake Erie Protection Fund (Ohio), $227,290 US (D. Culver [P.I.] and 11 others)

  • 1996 Environmental Youth Corps:
    Ministry of Natural Resources, $6,878
    Ministry of Environment and Energy, $5,160, $1,550 and $4,343

  • 1994-1996 Food web impacts of Bythotrephes in inland lakes. Ontario Ministry of Environment and Energy, $65,000 (Co-P.I. with W.G. Sprules)

  • 1993-1996 Trophodynamics of contaminants and toxicological impacts in the zebra mussel — waterfowl interaction. Wildlife Toxicology Fund, $25,500/year (P.I., with 5 others)

  • 1994-1995 Energy flow and contaminant dynamics in the Lake Erie ecosystem. Great Lakes University Research Fund, $597,000 (G.D. Haffner [P.I.] and 20 others)

  • 1993-1994 Ecological integration of zebra mussels in the Great Lakes: trophic interactions and impacts on contaminant dynamics. Ontario Ministry of the Environment, $50,000 (P.I.; Co-investigators: G.D. Haffner, J. Ciborowski)

  • 1994 Contaminant ecology of zebra mussels and quagga mussels in the Great Lakes. Environmental Youth Corps, Ministry of Environment and Energy, $17,300

  • 1992-1995 Zebra mussel recruitment processes. NSERC Operating, $19,336/year

  • 1992-1994 Consumption zebra mussels veliger larvae by invertebrate predators in Lake Erie. Department of Fisheries and Oceans — NSERC Science Subvention, $15,000/yr (W.G. Sprules and H.J. MacIsaac)

  • 1990-1993 Effects of introduced zebra mussels on Lake Erie food webs. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, $35,000 (Co-P.I. with W.G. Sprules)

  • 1991-1992 Biological attributes and ecological impacts of the invading mollusc, Dreissena polymorpha. Great Lakes University Research Fund, Environment Canada, $70,000 (Gerald Mackie (PI) and 7 others).

University of Windsor

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