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Service to the Profession

Member/Advisor on Panels and Committees:

Chair, Site Visit Committee, NSERC FishHealthNet (NSERC Strategic Network) (2017)

Group chair, Ecology and Evolution (1503) NSERC Discovery Grant committee (2012-2015)

Member, NSERC Committee on Grants and Scholarships (COGS), representing panel 1503 (Ecology and Evolution), 2012-2015

Member, Canadian Science Advisory Science Peer Review Panel (DFO), Risk assessment for ship-mediated introductions of aquatic nonindigenous species to Canada. Burlington, ON.  (March-June 2013)

Member, Invited Panel on Invasive Species. Sponsored by Great Lakes Now (PBS, Channel 56, Detroit) and the Nature Conservancy. Wixom, MI. (Jan. 2013)

Member, NSERC Major Resources Support (MRS) Ecology and Evolution / Geosciences ad hoc committee (2012) 


Board of Directors, North American Invasive Species Network (2010-2013)

Member, U.S. National Academy of Sciences’ Water Science and Technology Board, Committee on Assessing Numeric Limits for Living Organisms in Ballast Water (2010-2011)

Member, Program Review Panel, Cooperative Institute for Limnology and Ecosystems Research, University of Michigan (October 2010)

Co-chair, NSERC Discovery Grants panel 1503, Ecology & Evolution (2009-2010)

Member, NSERC panel 18, Ecology and Evolution (2007-2009)

Member, U.S. National Academy of Sciences, Transportation Research Board, Great Lakes Species Invasions Panel, Phase II (2006-2008)

Reviewer: Invasive species migration through the Chicago Area Waterways (CAWs): Comparative risk of Alternate Management Scenarios, US EPA (April 2008)

Member, Great Lakes Science Advisory Committee, group co-chair for Invasive Species, International Joint Commission (2007-2010)

National Ecological Observatory Network planning committee (USA, 2004-2005)

Member, U.S. National Academy of Sciences, Transportation Research Board, Great Lakes Species Invasions Panel, Phase I (2004-2006)

Member, Great Lakes Invasive Species Task Force (2003-current)

Invited Panelist, Invasions and the Media, DePaul University, Chicago (2003)

City of Chicago Asian Carp Invasion Committee (2003)

Lake Michigan Exotic Species Panel (2001-2004)

Great Lakes Ballast Water Working Group (2000-current)

Societas Internationalis Limnologiae’s Exotic Species Working Group, founding member (2000-)

Advisor to the Office of the Auditor-General of Canada (2001-2002)

Advisor to the General Accounting Office (USA, 2002)


Journal Associate Editorships:

Diversity and Distributions (2002-current)

Journal of Limnology (2012-current)

Biological Invasions (2008-2017)

Ecological Applications, Guest Editor (2011-2013)

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA): acting topic editor (2008, 2010, 2011)

Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management (1999-2008)

Freshwater Biology (1999-2007)


Reviewer for the following funding agencies:


NSERC; National Science Foundation; Hudson River Foundation; Ohio Sea Grant; New York Sea Grant; Louisiana Sea Grant; Wisconsin Sea Grant; Michigan Sea Grant; California Sea Grant; U.S. National Sea Grant; Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research; Canadian Foundation for Innovation; European Science Foundation, Fonds de recherché Nature et Technologies Quebec, CONICYT (Chile) Invasion Network Proposal, Canada Research Chairs ((2) 2014, (1) 2015 applications), NERC (UK).


Reviewer for the following journals (about 6 papers per year):

Limnology and Oceanography; Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences; Ecology; Oecologia; Bioscience; American Zoologist; Canadian Journal of Zoology; Archiv für Hydrobiologie; Estuaries; Freshwater Biology; Internationale Revue der Gesamten Hydrobiologia; Journal of the North American Benthological Society; Journal of Great Lakes Research; Aquatic Toxicology; Hydrobiologia; Aquatic Sciences; Ecology Letters; Science; Environmental Management; Journal of Applied Ecology; Proceedings of the Royal Society of London; Environmental Science and Technology; Pacific Science; Ecoscience; Biological Invasions; Trends in Ecology and Evolution, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA), Conservation Biology; Marine Ecology Progress Series; ICES Journal of Marine Science; Journal of the American Water Works Association; Aquatic Invasions; Biofouling; Conservation Letters; Molecular Ecology.


External Thesis Examiner: 

  M.Sc.: Memorial University of Newfoundland (1), Univ. Western Ontario (1); Concordia University (2), Montreal (1), Windsor (1), University of Northern British Columbia (1)

  Ph.D. dissertations: University of Guelph (2), Queen's University (1), Monash University (1), Vilnius University (1), McGill University (1), Victoria University, New Zealand (1).

External examiner for promotion to:

Reviewer, Faculty Promotion to Specialist 6 (Edwin Grosholz, full professor), University of California Davis (2017)

Reviewer, tier 1 Canada Research Chair, Victoria Tunnicliffe, University of Victoria (2016)

Promotion of Scientist, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (2016)

Reviewer, tier 1 Canada Research Chair (John Smol), Queens University renewal (2015)

Reviewer, tier II Canada Research Chair, Vancouver Island University (2015)

Faculty promotion to professor, Julian Olden, University of Washington (2015)

Reviewer, tier II Canada Research Chair Tier, Irene Gregory-Eaves, McGill University (2014)

Faculty promotion to professor Margeurite Xenopolous, Trent University (2014)                         

Faculty promotion to professor Penn State University (2014)

Faculty promotion to professor, Jeb Byers, University of Georgia (2012)

Faculty promotion to associate professor with tenure, University of Louisville (2011)

Faculty promotion to professor, Jaimie Dick, Queen's University Belfast (2010)

Faculty promotion to professor, Jake vander Zanden, University of Wisconsin (2010)

Faculty promotion to professor, Jaimie Dick, Queen's University Belfast (2009)

Review of scientist for the South Africa National Research Foundation (2009)                   

Faculty Promotion to Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor), University of the West Indies, St. Augustine (2008)

Promotion to Scientist GS-15, Henry Lee, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2008)

Review of Senior Scientist, Dave Strayer, equivalent to full professor; Institute for Ecosystem Studies, N.Y. (2007)

Faculty promotion to full professor, Fred Dobbs, Old Dominion University (2006)

Review of Specialist (equivalent to full professor, Edwin Grosholz, University of California, Davis (2005)

Faculty promotion to full professor, Ladd Johnson, Laval University (2005)

Faculty promotion to full professor, Norman Yan, York University (2005)

Faculty promotion to full professor, Edward Mills, Cornell University (2004)

Faculty promotion to associate professor (Pennsylvania State University (2002)

University of Windsor

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