MacIsaac Lab
in Invasion Ecology
Student Supervision
Graduate Supervision:
Justin Barker, MSc (2017- current): Models spread of invasive species
Kai Zhang, MSc (2017- current); Molecular detection of endangered fish in China
Emma DeRoy, MSc (2016-current): comparative functional responses in lionfish
Joshua Finn, MSc (2015- current): RNA vs. DNA early detection of grass carp
Dylan Xia, PhD (2014-current): invasive species in China
Sharon Yong, MSc (2015-2017): Early detection of zebra mussels during an invasion
Ryan Scott, PhD (2014-current): Protocols for screening artifacts in high-throughput sequencing data (Co-supervisor with Robin Gras)
Samir Qureshi, MSc (2014-2017): Molecular characterization of benthic riverine communities
Marco Hernandez, PhD (2010-2017): Simultaneous multiple treatments for ballast water risk reduction
Keara Stanislawczyk, MSc (2014-2016): Validation of molecular detection of rare plankton species
Danny B. O'Neill, PhD (2011-2015): Assessing impact of aquatic invasive species using functional response curves. (supervised by Jaimie Dick, Queen's University Belfast; co-supervised by Hugh MacIsaac and Tony Ricciardi).
Ryan Scott, MSc (2014-2015): Protocols for screening artifacts in high-throughput sequencing data (Co-supervisor with Robin Gras)
Farrah Chan, PhD (2008-2014): Ship-mediated arctic marine invasions (co-supervisor: S.A. Bailey)
Boris Beric, MSc (2011-2014): Meta-analysis of global aquatic rapid response programs for alien invasive species.
Sara Ghabooli, PhD (2008-2014): Genetic detection of invasive species
Amanda Eyraud, MSc (2011-2013): Alien invasive plants in the Great Lakes.
Remi Abisola, MSc (2009-2012): Invasive species in the St. Lawrence River.
Tony Wang, MSc (2008-2011): in situ tests of salt water tolerance (co-supervisor: S. Bailey)
Elizabeta Briski, PhD (2006-2011): Comparative ballast-mediated invasions
Johanna Bradie, MSc (2007-2009): Ballast water treatment (co-supervisor: S. Bailey)
Michael Jacobs, MSc (2006-2008): Modeling invasion of fanwort in Ontario
Sandra Ellis, MSc (2005-2007): Salinity tolerance of invertebrates
Jim Muirhead, PhD (2002-2007): Models of species dispersal to inland lakes
Derek Gray, MSc (2004-2007): Efficacy of ballast water exchange
Sarah Bailey, PhD (2000-2005): Ships’ residual ballast as invasion vector
Robert Colautti, MSc (2001-2004): Genetic surveys of invading waterfleas in Ontario (co-supervisor, D. Heath)
Julianna Borbely, MSc (2000-2001); Modeling Bythotrephes invasions
Kerry McPhedran, MSc (1999-2001); Cercopagis pengoi predation of zooplankton
Colin van Overdijk, MSc (1998-2000); Interactions between invasive amphipods
Andrew Bially, MSc (1995-1998); Island biogeography of introduced mussels
Susan Roe, MSc (1994-1996); Organic contaminants in zebra mussels
Robert Coulas, MSc (1994-1996); Fish predation on Bythotrephes
Edward Mazak, MSc (1993-1995); Contaminants in ducks that exploit zebra mussels.
Visiting Students (funded by Canada-Latin America Transfer Fund):
Pablo Perepelizin, PhD student at University of Buenos Aires, March-August 2010. Topic: Mitochondrial and microsatellite analysis of golden mussels from South America.
Esteban Paolucci, PhD student at University of Buenos Aires, March-August 2010. Topic: Gill ultrastructure of golden mussels from South America.
Marco Meloni, BSc student, at University of Buenos Aires, September 2012 - February 2013. Topic: hull fouling of vessels bound for the Arctic.
Postdoctoral Fellow Supervision:
Mattias Johannsson (2015-2017): Developing and validating molecular early detection protocols for invasive species.
Steve Crookes (2014-2016): Does enhanced invasive species performance have a genetic basis? (Co-supervised with Daniel Heath)
Emily Brown (2013-2016): Next generation sequencing to detect alien species (Co-supervised with Melania Cristescu)
Martin Hulak (2012; deceased): Biological assessments of Canadian ports using next-generation sequencing (Co-supervisor with Melania Cristescu)
Esteban Paolucci (2011-2013): ballast water treatment technology assessment
Aibin Zhan (2009-2012): evolution of invasive species (Co-supervisor with Melania Cristescu)
Francisco Sylvester (2007-2010): Hull-mediated species invasions
Chad Harvey (2007-2009): Invasions and ecosystem topology
Christophe Lejeunse (2007-2008): Genetics of invaders (Co-supervisor, Melania Cristescu)
Susan Gordon (2006-2007): DNA barcoding of invasive crustaceans (Co-supervisor, Dan Heath)
Sarah Bailey (2005-2006), Canadian Aquatic Invasive Species Network development
Leif-Matthias Herborg (2004-2006), Stage-based modeling of invasions
David Kelly, GLIER postdoctoral fellow, (2003-2006), Genetic attributes of NIS
Helene Limen (2003-2004): Amphipod feeding in the Great Lakes
Nandakumar Kanavillil (2003 – 2004): resting stages and ballast water invasions
Marjorie Wonham, NSERC postdoctoral fellow (2002- 2004); modeling invasions (Co-supervisor, Mark Lewis)
Ian Duggan (2002 – 2004); Great Lakes and Chesapeake Bay invasions
Igor Grigorovich, Research Associate (1997- 2003): Ponto-Caspian invaders
Tom Therriault, NSERC postdoctoral fellow (2001 – 2002); genetics of invaders
Yves Couillard GLIER Postdoctoral Fellow (1993-1995): contaminants in zebra mussels (Co-supervisor with Dr. Doug Haffner and Dr. Jan Ciborowski).
Undergraduate Thesis Supervision (*=published thesis study):
Tedi Hoxa, 2017-2018: Molecular ecology of invasive beetles
Emma DeRoy*, 2014-2016: Ballast water spreading lionship?
Joshua Finn, 2013-2014: Plankton community composition in cyanobacteria blooms
Vishal Vara, 2011-2012: Identifying errors in pyrosequencing data
Odion Kalaci*, 2010: Temporal dynamics of hull-fouling communities (NSERC supported)
Eric Fifield, 2010-2011: Regional spread of invasive species (NSERC supported)
Rahel Tedla*, 2008-2009: Historical growth of invasion ecology
James Valiant, 2008-2009: Detecting incipient invasions of invasive waterfleas
Samir Qureshi*, 2007-2008: How rare is rare? Finding newly established NIS.
Mike Rup*, 2007-2008: Tracking ballasting discharges of ‘lakers’ on the Great Lakes
Ashley Steinberg*, 2006-2007: Viability of desiccated diapausing zooplankton eggs
Michael Jacobs*, 2005-2006: Dispersal of zooplankton on fishing lines
Derek Gray*, 2002-2003: Saltwater exposure: a cure to ballast-mediated invasions?
Nathalie Bergeron*, 2002-2003: The pet trade as vector of NIS to the Great Lakes
Corrine Rixon*, 2002-2003: Live human fish stores as vector of NIS to the Great Lakes
Rob Colautti*, 2000-2001: Ship traffic and Great Lakes invasion patterns
Carolyn Matkovich*, 1999-2000: Waterfowl as zooplankton dispersers?
John Sencaj, 1999-2000: Diet of lake sturgeon in Lake St. Clair
Tracy Mabee*, 1998-1999: Exotic amphipod competition in the Great Lakes
Joe Lozon*, 1996-1997: Does disturbance facilitate invasions?
Sandra Parker, 1995-1996: Spawning in zebra mussels
Rahim Kassan, 1994-1995: biogeography of Dreissena patches
Chris Lonnee*, 1993-1994: Zebra mussel predation on zooplankton